Continuing steadfastly in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship…(Acts 2:42)

Our annual regional meeting generally consisting of “apostles and elders and saints” has apparently become mobile and more fluid this year than ever! We have been praying about it for several months, waiting upon the Lord for His direction. Since that time (July/August) a small group of regional leaders have been meeting monthly for relational accountability and emphasis on what Holy Spirit is saying!!

The focus is now on the region becoming a “corporate man” for the habitation (dwelling place) of God to reside! This week has become a “mobile ministry” and is why the Ark of the covenant has manifested to do and bring a new work! Before a new work, you must have a new word!!! Not only must we have the “ministry of reconciliation” but the WORD of reconciliation and the word of His POWER!

Two personal friends and relationships have come from out of state yesterday and today, Dr. Jeff Thompson and Ap. Gene Mansfield, who is down from Canada in the states and has been further down in South Texas. Dr. Jeff, from La. came over to be with me in this small group of leaders. Gene and I are leaving for a meeting in the morning for a one day encounter that I’m not free to share about right now. A friend of Dr. Larry Langston, Dr. Jay West, is in the area and shared with us today!

When I finally realized and accepted the difference and also why mature, seasoned leaders are being drawn together to pour into one another and minister to the LORD, I see that He is sending the “sent ones” now on direct, intentional assignments with a mandate from the Father for a greater expression of the kingdom on earth!!

As we move more mobile and from “glory to glory”, Father will establish the regional community of sons in His image, just as by the Spirit of God. (2 Co. 3:17,18). This is true in each relational community of the kingdom where Authenic, organic relationships are coming together!!

Find your Focus and see kingdom community and apostolic companies began to be “joined and knit together by what every joint supplies”, according to the effectual working by which every part does its share, causing growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love. (Eph. 4:16)

What is the antithesis of this verse? Col. 1:19- …AND NOT HOLDING FAST TO THE HEAD (Christ), from whom all the body, nourished and knit together by joints and ligaments, grows with the increase that is from God,…

If we are not coming together under the “corporate community” of Christ Jesus, the Apostle and High priest of our confession, we are not building the house (hold) of God. It may be a gathering, but it is NOT an assembling of the living stones of God! It may have a visitation, but it does not have a habitation of God in the Spirit! (Eph. 2:19-22)

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