Apostolic Fathers of Fathers!

Dear brethren and friends!

Phil. 1:3-5 (Nasb)

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all, in view of your participation in the gospel from the first day until now…

It has been a good while since I’ve done a general post addressing the group with updates and welcoming those that are new to the forum! I want to thank admin’s Apostle Traci and Apostle Michael for continuing to monitor the posts and keeping up with those that are coming in! We do welcome you and value everyone’s participation!!

I want to focus in on a subject that’s been on my heart for quite some time, and has become a word that others are beginning to talk about and see! I have talked in recent times with one of our dear senior apostle and father, Papa Don Atkin, as well as two senior leaders and apostles here in Houston, Lynn Burling and Larry Langston.

In years past, I have talked and written as well as have Apostle Michael and Apostles Traci and Gary, concerning what is a main theme here on ATF, the value of the Father’s Blessing and the absolute necessity of the generational order of “The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob!

This is the foundational order and blessing of “Heart of the Father” and the origin of true apostolic order, From Father to Son, and the turning of the “heart of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the sons to their fathers”…. (Apostle Michael has written an excellent book on this very title, “FROM FATHER TO SON”. If you haven’t seen it or ordered it, please contact Michael and he’ll get it to you.)

But tonight I want to address a proceeding word concerning fathers and sons, the maturing of generational fathers becoming “fathers of father’s!” For probably three to five years I have been mulling over and praying as the Father has dealt with me about this, especially the practical side of the restoration of generational fathers in the earth!

I have found and learned this is more than being a spiritual father to children and sons and even building a strong family name among the sons and daughters! This becomes a place in the Spirit that is not found through just titles and/or a network of ministries, but a true regional application of fathers (mothers)and relational fathers who have formed relationships with other fathering apostles and prophets!

This puzzled me personally for a while because, although raised up by a father of father and leader of leaders, Dr. Mark Hanby, his plethora of influence in the last generation of many leaders, was a total different profile from my generation! His far-reaching ministry was “legendary”, and I felt like as a first generational son, I must carry on a legacy, much like an “Isaac” who becomes a father while still serving as a son to Abraham. (Once again, Apostle Michael and I talked about this as our forum was forming, and he has done some excellent teaching on it.)

I soon found out, that moving into a “relational mode” of serving sons, rather than the typical “performance mode” of sons serving fathers to move up the chain of influence. The latter mode produced more of a “orphan” mentality than that of a son where sons served, not from a servant mentality, but of a son becoming a father!

The very purpose of the “Father’s Heart” and ATF, is to connect the generations through THE blessing and inheritance that causes sons to become builders of the family name!

Isa. 58:12- And those that be of (from) you shall (re)build the old waste places, and raise up foundations of many generations; and You shall be called, The repairer of the Breach, The restorer of paths (streets) to dwell in.

If I may be personal and transparent for a moment, I found that as Pam and I not only shared the message of spiritual parenting and sons and daughters, but actually came to the reality of children becoming sons and as we grew, that sons and daughters matured into the place of become spiritual parents as well! This is not an easy transition as you see now we must not become satisfied with a local family, but must become trans-generational and regional as well!!

Many have termed this as “spiritual grandparents” and that is a true aspect. But when fathering leaders who have developed in their Sonship matured, until it manifested in their “family of sons and daughters”. Yet, even then grandparents must soon shift from an apostolic family and an apostolic company, to where in a city/region/regions, literally apostolic elders and fathers who have been given an authority and a responsibility!

This is to become “Third generational Fathers” (the Jacob generation or Israel) who now become “fathers of a multitude” or a nation if you will, literally, my theme for this post, FATHER OF FATHERS.

Let me remind us, this is not a hierarchy or an organizational system to build a super structure, but rather these apostolic elders that have become relational to the Ekklesia and fivefold, faceted leaders in their region who not only “equip the saints” but serve as equipping leaders to other generative leaders! Eph. 4:11-16; I Ti. 5:17; 2 Ti. 2:2

When I began to see this, as sons matured and found their identity and ministry, other sons (children) who did not understand this, began to feel neglected and left out, their lack of sonship proving they had not been found faithful.

I. Co. 4:1,2- Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers (servants) of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover, it is required in stewards, that one be found faithful. Ep. 3:9- to make all see what is the “fellowship of the mystery” lit. the “stewardship” or administration of the mystery, that’s been hidden for ages and generations…

We are in that “Epic Era” that must now fully embrace the fullness of the “restoration of all things”, spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since time began. (Acts 3:21) We must not only embrace this, but become totally accountable to this multigenerational and multifaceted stewardship of the grace of God, as it manifests in the saints. (Col. 1:26-28)

I hope this clarifies for some esteemed fathers and elders who have moved into that place where it seems as if you have become a spiritual “empty nester” and that you have passed into a new dimension of “sitting” or ruling at the gates of the city, yet not recognized by many.

When you’re no longer obligated to meet the expectations of others to perform to feel needed anymore, just recognize that you have a goodly heritage and your portion will that which comes from the Lord.

And maybe, one final note, you’ve passed from “building a ministry” to becoming the builder or facilitator of the “corporate anointing” or the collective body of Christ in the region/regions, the ONE NEW CORPORATE SON in the earth! For example, FATHERS HEART HOUSTON was never intended for a “ministry name” but a development and facilitation of the “Corporate Ekklesia” in the region!

I pray this has been a blessing and strength to many of you, even rejoicing in the fact that our forum here at ATF! has shifted from an apostolic group to a forerunner over the last nine years of many apostolic/prophetic groups and companies that have now manifested and multiplied into deployment in the body of Christ!

Grace and peace multiplied to all!

Yours for the Kingdom Ekklesia,

Jim & Pam B.

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